Monday, September 15, 2008


The demon came
and put a seed of doubt
in man's heart asunder.

It's plan?
Mankind to conquer.

The angel came,
flew down
and planted another.

This time, a seed
of hope and courage yonder.

Man was left to pick,
to choose, a side
to ponder.

Which side will you take,
I wonder?

For One Single Impression


Raven said...

Well done. I was writing about just this subject in a very different way this very morning. Good take on the prompt. Well done.

Anonymous said...

I also did seeds of doubt! Like minds?

SandyCarlson said...

Some days, I wonder what I will do, too! Thanks for this.

Deborah Godin said...

Interesting handling of the prompt and the story.

Tumblewords: said...

Nice use of the prompt! I guess each day is different...

Teri said...

I love your interpretation on this. Food for thought.

Annie Jeffries said...

In the fight between seeds of good and evil, I will always choose the weapon of HOPE.

Anonymous said...

"am a writer-in-training poet wannabe and I haunt your neighborhood. XP"_ thus far our cv profiles (almost) converge-(seriously)-only our gendres don't match -and i have "been singin' the same ol' song' for 'pretty' long ..thank u for a good write-up..